Poster Analysis

 E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\2334.jpg
The Blade Runner poster may be about the main protagonist "taking care of" the antagonist. At the top right of the poster, it states "Man has made his match...Now it's his problem" which shows that this problem was made by humans themselves. As they are referred as a match made by man, we can assume they are like humans or equivalent to them as they are Man's match. In the poster, there is also what appears to be a flying vehicle shows elements of sci-fi and the man holding gun can represent elements of action. The overall representation of Blade Runner shows that this movie is mainly a sci-fi with elements of action which also means that the antagonist could be an android or a humanoid, as is the cliché with sci-fi films. The target
 audience could be teenagers and adults. 
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\996247.jpg
Scary Movie 2 appears to be about a group of friends going out to see a movie but are however confronted by numerous antagonists. From the poster, Scary Movie 2 appears to be a parody of numerous horror films as seen by the two villains at the back who are protagonists from two different horror films. This film appears to be both a comedy as it's "Absolutely Hilarious" but also a horror as its "More merciless" and the movie is called Scary Movie. The target audience for this film could be for teenagers and adults due to the fact that even though this has elements of comedy, it still appears to be mainly a horror which may not appeal to younger viewers. 
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Uzak is Turkish for far or distant. From the poster, Uzak may be about the protagonist leaving their town and work in order to go somewhere far, possibly for change or to find themself. Alternatively, the protagonist could be coming to the place seen in the poster after leaving a distant place in order to acquire a change in pace and lifestyle. The darkness presented by both the smog from factories and the protagonist can represent darkness in their mind as well as the mysteriousness they show at first glance. This film genre could be a psychological drama and the target audience could be for adults.
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I'm not Scared may be a test of courage for the boy (main protagonist) as suggested by the title, he may attempt to go down the hole in order to prove his bravery to possible friends or himself. However, due to the images in the words "I'm not scared", one could also assume the boy is not scared of the hole itself but what may be inside it. Due to the images inside the words, I believe it made be a thriller and may be suitable for teenagers and adults. 
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Sin City may be about the people in the city and how it's filled with corruption. The 6 people are all holding weapons are covered in darkness allowing mystery to be presented to all the characters. It remains unclear on who may be a protagonist or antagonist, but it can be assumed they are all working together or that they all have their individual separate stories compiled into one film. The genre is a neo-noir crime thriller that has elements of action. The target audience may be young adults and adults. 
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\PFD1671.jpg
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest may be about a captain, his crew searching the seven seas in order to find the girl who may be the captains love interest as well as finding the Dead Man's Chest.  Pirates of the Carribean is swashbuckler fantasy as identified by the use of pirates and mythical monster like the Kraken whose tentacle can be seen next to the ship. This film can also be seen using clichés such as the woman who may be a damsel in distress, the use of Krakens from old pirate stories and films as well as the long-lost treasure the film is named after, "Dead Man's Chest." The target audience may be kids, teenagers and adults as although there appears to be elements of action, the movie uses stereotypical pirates that children are told about in kid's stories, as identified by their costumes. 
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Bride and Prejudice is about two people that have backgrounds, ethnicities and beliefs that are polar opposites to each other falling in love. This is apparent by the temple and the Indian clothing on the right-hand side of the poster and the American-style clothing and buildings presented on the left-hand side of the poster. The Genres this film belong to could be drama, romance and possibly comedy and the target audience could be kids, teenagers and adults.
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Million Dollar Baby may be about an aspiring athlete trying to move up in the sports world and the two people in the back possibly being coaches/supporters or are maybe trying to sabotage her rise in the sports world. However, due to the use of low-key lighting, one could assume that the films ending isn't so good and she doesn't end up rising in the sports world or some type of conflict that prevents the woman's dream from coming true. The genre of this film could be a sports drama and its target audience could be teenagers and adults.
