Cinematography: Blog Tasks

 Where It All Started | The First Scene From The Boys Season 1 | Prime Video - YouTube

The scene starts with the close-up of an advert for the hero Translucent and zooms out until it focuses on the two teenagers. The camera follows the two teenagers then abruptly focuses on a medium shot of police cars and the truck. As the camera shot shows the carnage that the truck is causing. The camera uses a close-up of the truck mirror and the person running towards it. The camera then switches to a medium shot of the truck coming closer to the teenagers and Maeve jumping in front of it.

The scene shown with the police cars and the truck is seen as a cliché for every superhero movie. This is also reinforced by a Maeve jumping in front of the car and the car not only stopping in its tracks but also almost being split in two just by her standing there. The police cars and truck are also created action codes, showing that a fight scene is about to happen.

The wide shot of Ichigo and his Bankai allows us to see his change in appearance as well as his increase in power. The Bankai (sword) that Ichigo holds creates an action code as it shows that he is prepared to fight. However, the fact that most of his appearance is black creates enigma codes as we are unable to gauge how much power Ichigo has gotten.
