Film and TV Language: Editing Practical Task

Editing Practical Task - YouTube

Plan: Me and Frankly have an argument about whether 77+33 is 100 or 110. 

Actors: Bradley, Frankly and Comic Relief Frankly

Non-Diegetic sound: Jaws Shark Approaching Music, Bleep Sound Effect (Due to profanity), Naruto's The Fighting Spirit (Bloopers), We'll be right back Sound Effect

Diegetic Sound: Me, Frankly and Comic Relief Frankly's Dialogue, Door Opening, Table Slamming

While recording this, me and Frankly decided to record something that didn't end up with one of us beating the other up, so here is what we have made. Hope you enjoy!

P.S. I mistakenly forgot to bleep a piece of Comic Relief Frankly's profanity so sorry in advance
